Sabrena Allen-Biron
Production Designer
As a production designer (the head of the art department) on our movie, Remember, Sabrena Allen-Biron will make sure each shooting location is perfect, prepared, and on point with the vision of the film. This includes creating the initial concepts, building sets, fabricating costumes, developing makeup effects, and working with the VFX team. All these sections must come together to present the audience with visual information that establishes a sense of place and conveys an
emotional response, through the background elements, costumes, and props.
Sabrena will bring life to the visual storytelling. She will meticulously re-create period scenes for ancient Jerusalem, during Jesus’ days. She is using cutting edge technology, LED walls, augmented with practical sets. Sabrena has brought a new era by bringing the virtual production set during King David and for Jesus during Holy Week, to capture virtual effects in camera. Meaning the background and action are all occurring live on set, and everyone involved can see and make real-time adjustments to the scene. This gives a new level of control to the process that is absent when using green screen.
As a talented artist, Sabrena’s skills include drawing, painting, graphic design, sculpture, advertising, and film and stage production design. Sabrena puts her classical art training to work on commercial design, production design for feature film, theatrical set design, and theme park installations, as well as her personal drawings and paintings.